Dr. Greg Elwell and Dr. John Peacock may recommend oral sedation if you feel anxious or distressed during your visits to our office. This form of sedation dentistry helps you relax and receive your treatments with ease so that you can improve your oral health. To set up a consultation with our dentists and find out if oral sedation in Canton, Georgia, is right for you, contact our office today at 770-479-5569.

If you and our dentists decide to use oral sedation during your visit, you will need to talk with us about your medical history. Oral sedation is administered as a pill, which makes it a very simple solution for sedation. We will provide instructions on when you should take the pill before your appointment. You will feel relaxed during your treatment, but you will remain awake during your visit. Although you will remain conscious, we ask that you have a friend or family member drive you to and from your appointment. Oral sedation is less expensive than other forms of sedation. Since it involves ingesting a pill it is quick and easy to use, and will help you relax during your appointment.

If you would like to learn more about how oral sedation can make your visit easier, contact a member of our team today.